Like Steeple, broadcast dynamic campaigns on your employees’ emails!

Gif intéractif d'une bannière de signature de mail de Steeple pour le covid-19

These days, animated images (GIFs) figure prominently on social networks. Most brands use them to assert their visual identity and we see them more and more often in our emails and newsletters. Good news! You can also disseminate animated banners in your email signatures with Boost My Mail. If you’re on Outlook, below you’ll find our tutorial on creating a collaborative email campaign by inserting an animated banner in your employees’ email signatures.

How do you programme an email campaign in GIF format?

Prepare your email banner visual in 150×600-pixel GIF format and save it on your computer.

Add the banner when Boost My Mail or click on “Email Campaign” on the homepage (if your email signature templates are activated).

Click on “Download banner”, and select the desired file on your computer.

Once the GIF banner is downloaded, you can view it on the right side of your screen. Adjust the size of the banner with the slider below the banner. Then click on “Next”.

The final step is to:
– Name the campaign,
– Enter the redirection Url address so that your banner is clickable and links to a dedicated page
– Schedule the campaign by indicating dissemination dates. Check the “Default campaign” box if it’s a generic campaign. It will appear by default if you have no other active campaigns.
– Link the banner to the email signatures of your choice by checking the selected templates. Finally, click on “Save”.

You now know how to disseminate an animated campaign on your employees’ emails in just a few clicks! Discover Boost My Mail free for 14 days by clicking HERE